Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring to camp?

When will my son select his activities?

Skill classes are selected after supper on Sunday in order of each camper’s date of registration. Those who sign up for camp earlier will choose their activities ahead of those who signed up later. Not to worry, there are plenty of great skill areas.

How much spending money should my son bring?

This varies a great deal. All of his spending money will be “banked” in his store/canteen account when he checks in on Sunday, or when you make an advanced store deposit (preferred).

We do not use cash during the week, and having an account keeps cash from getting lost. Most boys bring $10 to $20.

We recommend at least $10 because Canteen time is an important social event for most boys. Canteen is open once each day (Monday through Saturday). The camp store is open at checkin time on Sundays and check-out time on the last day of the session.

Spending money can be used for:

  • Snacks and pop (daily spending is limited to help ensure a proper diet)
  • Skill award patches (emblems for archery and riflery range in cost from $1 to $3 each)
  • Model rocket (if he selects that activity); the cost is $10
  • A variety of camp store items including clothing, hats, water bottles, mugs, etc.

What is the camp’s mailing address and phone?

Remember your son with a card or letter. Some parents even send mail before their son leaves home so it will reach him early in the week.

(Camper’s Name)
Camp Nathanael
39564 Wilbur Way
Hinckley, MN 55037

Camp Nathanael Summer Office: 320-384-7889, answered in summer only (year-round phone: 888-869-4334).

Can I send email to my son while he is at camp?

Email messages may be sent to campers through your online Campwise account. Messages are printed and given to campers. They will not be able to reply to email messages.

Will there be pictures posted online?

We will likely post some pictures on our Flickr page during the week, and you might (or might not) catch a glimpse of your camper. 

What is the Swim Check?

All campers will take a basic swim check on the first day to determine their swimming ability. This is for their safety during water activities.

A “Green Key” is obtained by swimming the length of the dock and back (approximately 25 yards each way) and treading water for 10 minutes. “Red Key” is for someone just beginning in swimming. All campers have the option of taking swim lessons as one of their skill classes.

What will my son be doing each day?

Typical Daily Schedule (subject to change):

  • 7:00 Reveille
  • 7:30 Morning Devotions (with cabin group)
  • 8:15 Breakfast
  • 8:45 Cabin Clean-Up
  • 9:10 Bible Exploration (with cabin group
  • 10:00 Cabin Activity
  • 11:00 Skill Class
  • 12:15 Open Swim/Free Time
  • 1:15 Lunch
  • 2:00 Rest Time
  • 2:30 Cabin Period
  • 3:30 Canteen
  • 4:00 Skill Class
  • 5:15 Open Swim/Free Time
  • 6:30 Supper
  • 7:15 Evening Special (all-camp game)
  • 8:40 Snack
  • 9:00 Campfire

What is the cancellation policy should my son not be able to attend?

All money will be returned except for a $50 registration fee. If there is space in another session, he may choose to switch sessions without penalty.

Who can I contact if I have other questions about my registration?

Contact our Registrar at:, or call 888-869-4334.