Intentionally Rustic Setting
Cook-outs, songs & stories around a campfire, electricity-free cabins, a week without screens.

Classic Camp Activities
Archery, BB guns, swimming, canoeing, wide-area games, and much more.

A Distinctly Christian Camp
All boys are welcome as we explore what it means to live as followers of Jesus.
Check out this video to catch a small glimpse into a week at Camp Nathanael.
Character-Shaping, Outdoor Adventure.
Far From Distraction, Close to God.
Camp Nathanael is a place where boys become men of God.
Every Christian parent wants their son to grow into an honorable young man who loves and follows Jesus. But it's tough for those values to compete against the distractions of entertainment, technology and cultural pressures.
We have programs for boys ages 5 through adulthood. We develop leaders by teaching them to love the Bible, be mentored by others who are more mature in their faith, and to put their faith into action by serving others.
Camp Nathanael
Summer Programs
Father/Son Camp
Half-week of sleepover camp with dad beginning at age 5
Junior Camp
Half-week and full-week sleepover camp for boys in grades 3-6.
Senior Camp
Full-week sleepover camp for boys in grade 7-12.
Base Camp Trips
Trips that start at camp and go off-site to experience adventure.
Camp Fees
Camp Postcard from 1960's
Same place, same mission across generations.

How to Register for Camp
Pick Your Camp Session
Father/son half-week?
Classic sleepover camp week?
Or base-camp adventure trip?
Register and Pay Online
Find the week that works best for your family through our online registration system, and get your son signed up.
The Best Week of His Summer
Your son will make new friends and have an amazing time. Be ready to hear all his stories about the games, skill classes and cabin leaders from the week at camp the whole ride home.
What Parents Say About Camp Nathanael
"My son grew in the short time that he was at camp."
He didn't change in stature, but in maturity, and with a firmer grasp of being a young man of God. He felt safe and grew in confidence. He is looking forward to next year!"
— J.T., North Branch, Minnesota
"Camp Nathanael outshined them in the quality of staff and the atmosphere."
"I have experience at YMCA camps, and other church sponsored camps, which were all good, but Camp Nathanael outshined them. I would encourage anyone to bring their son here."
— Camp Parent